Day 19: Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star

If you're tracing rays or transforming coordinates, you could be using PDL!

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Having seen how to do matrix multiplication on 16 December, the Elf R&D department, headed by Rudolf and Dancer, decided to calculate the sparkle from their baubles. In optics, tracing light rays through bits of glass that act as mirrors and lenses can be done by working through a series of equations or by multiplying matrices and vectors!

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Day 16: These are Testing Times, Indeed!

If you're multiplying lots of matrices together, you need PDL!

There are bales of decorative paper Markov chains that have gotten tangled, so we're going to square things away by multiplying orthogonal matrices and checking the results with Tests.

Continue reading Day 16: These are Testing Times, Indeed!...