Day 25: PDL and the James Webb Space Telescope (broadcasting and dimension tricks)

The James Webb Space Telescope hangs like a Christmas tree ornament over Africa as it prepares to deploy its mirror and travel to its distant orbit. Image credit: NASA/ESA 25/Dec/2021.

PDL and the James Webb Space Telescope (broadcasting and dimension tricks)

I am an astronomer who has for 30 years used PDL for processing of astronomical data. (In fact this is one of the reasons I created it :-) see 'The Beginnings of PDL').

Continue reading Day 25: PDL and the James Webb Space Telescope (broadcasting and dimension tricks)...

Day 21: Fun and Games with Images

If you are manipulating images, you need PDL!

For years, I've had this urge to use PDL to take a bitmap image and trace the outlines to make an SVG file that I could scale up to A0 poster size without the resulting pixelation. Yes, there are already tools that do that, but where's the fun in that? It's Christmas, the time for Fun and Games!

Continue reading Day 21: Fun and Games with Images...