Day 5: Using k-means clustering as a ... crayon?

The mtcars dataset is 50 years old. This is the 21st Century, so let's look at Electric Vehicles with k-means clustering. The results are shocking!

Punning without a license? Guilty as charged!

Continue reading Day 5: Using k-means clustering as a ... crayon?...

Day 4: Interpolation with Perl Data Language

If you want to interpolate data easily and fast, you need PDL!

Continue reading Day 4: Interpolation with Perl Data Language...

Day 3: Perl Data Language on the Mac

So, you've got yourself a shiny new MacBook and you want to give PDL a spin. Lucky you, because the OG author of PDL just got one recently and made an installer to save you a bunch of work. It works pretty much for Monterey through to Sonoma, buuuuut ... of course my machine happens to be running Sequoia 15.1, the latest release, which is not yet listed as having been tested but I believe in Santa and Santa believes in me!

Continue reading Day 3: Perl Data Language on the Mac...

Day 2: Maps with Perl Data Language

If you want to visualise or transform cartographic data, you need PDL!

Continue reading Day 2: Maps with Perl Data Language...

Day 1: What is Perl Data Language?

If you have a bunch of numerical data that you need crunched fast, you need PDL !

Continue reading Day 1: What is Perl Data Language?...