Day 16: These are Testing Times, Indeed!

If you're multiplying lots of matrices together, you need PDL!
There are bales of decorative paper Markov chains that have gotten tangled, so we're going to square things away by multiplying orthogonal matrices and checking the results with Tests.
Like a shiny package under this year's tree, Test::PDL arrived in PDL v2.094 which is newer than most Linux package managers provide. You'll either need to wait for an update or to install the latest version from CPAN. (I found installing the new version fairly easy. Just a bit of a wait.) But you can install Test::PDL from CPAN for use with an older PDL:
cpanm Test::PDL@0.21
Find yourself an orthogonal matrix like this one
and choose an angle, say 30° which makes cos 30° = 0.866 and sin 30° = 1/2.
Then construct the Identity matrix, with 1's on the diagonal and zeroes everywhere else.
By definition, an orthogonal matrix multiplied by its transpose is the identity matrix. Use the is_pdl function to show this is true.
use Test::PDL
$m = pdl([0.866, 0.5],[-0.5, 0.866])
[0.866 0.5]
[ -0.5 0.866]
$id = identity(2) # Identity matrix
[1 0]
[0 1]
is_pdl($m * $m->t, $id, 'Orthogonal matrix times its transpose is the Identity matrix')
not ok 1
# 4/4 values do not match
# got: Double D [2,2] (P )
# [
# [ 0.749956 -0.25]
# [ -0.25 0.749956]
# ]
# expected: Double D [2,2] (P )
# [
# [1 0]
# [0 1]
# ]
# First <=5 values differ at:
# [
# [0 0]
# [1 0]
# [0 1]
# [1 1]
# ]
# Those 'got' values: [0.749956 -0.25 -0.25 0.749956]
# Those 'expected' values: [1 0 0 1]
Wait, what?
That should be ok
. Let's do some sanity checking with transpose
and the *
Those digits are messing with my brain. Let's get some easier numbers to work with.
$n = sequence(2,2) + 1
[1 2]
[3 4]
p $n->t
[1 3]
[2 4]
p $n * $n
[ 1 4]
[ 9 16]
Now I see what's going on.
The off-diagonal elements are swapped, so the transpose is correct.
The last example is the square of each index value.
This means that the *
operator gives us
Cij = Aij * Bij,
not the dot product of the ith row with the jth column.
I need the x operator to do matrix multiplication like in my linear algebra textbook.
is_pdl($m x $m->t, $id, 'Orthogonal matrix times its transpose is the Identity matrix')
not ok 2
# 2/4 values do not match
# got: Double D [2,2] (P )
# [
# [ 0.999956 0]
# [ 0 0.999956]
# ]
# expected: Double D [2,2] (P )
# [
# [1 0]
# [0 1]
# ]
# First <=5 values differ at:
# [
# [0 0]
# [1 1]
# ]
# Those 'got' values: [0.999956 0.999956]
# Those 'expected' values: [1 1]
Oh, c'mon! That's close enough, right?
Notice that the test failure tells you which elements it failed at (0,0 and 1,1) and what values it got and expected.
To make it pass, I could add more sig figs to the matrix ... oooorrr I could just tweak the test
with the atol
or absolute tolerance option.
is_pdl($m x $m->t, $id, {test_name => 'Orthogonal matrix times its transpose is the Identity matrix', atol => 1E-4})
ok 3 - Orthogonal matrix times its transpose is the Identity matrix
See? Passes!
Test::PDL also checks for type, so ndarrays with the same values but different types will fail
is_pdl double(1..5), short(1..5)
not ok 4 - ndarrays are equal
# types do not match ('require_equal_types' is true)
# got: Double D [5] (P ) [1 2 3 4 5]
# expected: Short D [5] (P ) [1 2 3 4 5]
is_pdl double(1..5), short(1..5), {require_equal_types => 0}
ok 5 - ndarrays are equal
unless you pass the require_equal_types => 0
option to the test.
Here's a good one. Careful now, it really is complex!
$q = pdl([1, 0, 0],[0, i, sqrt(2)],[0, -sqrt(2), i])
[ 1 0 0]
[ 0 i 1.414]
[ 0 -1.414 i]
$i3x3 = cdouble identity(3)
[1 0 0]
[0 1 0]
[0 0 1]
is_pdl($q x $q->t, $i3x3, 'Orthogonal 3x3 complex matrix')
ok 6 - Orthogonal 3x3 complex matrix
The default type of zeroes()
is double, so without the cdouble
to make it complex, the is_pdl
test will fail on type.
Or you could create an imaginary matrix and zero it, with $i = i(3,3) * 0
And remember kids, at Christmas Santa is multiplied by his complex conjugate, because that's when Santa is Real!
Matrix multiplication" by Brigban is marked with CC0 1.0
Boyd Duffee
Boyd has wanted to learn PDL for many years and realizing that dream is bringing him joy. He has done mad things to Complex Networks with NLP and is moving on to DSP and Time Series Analysis. He's interested in Data Science, Complex Networks and walks in the woods.