In a previous life I spent most of my time (free and otherwise) thinking about phonetics and the analysis of speech sounds. Like most scientific research, it was slow and tedious and oddly rewarding.

Back then I was already in a steady drift towards spending more time playing with computers than with my research, so a lot of my efforts went into studying Praat, a piece of software you've almost certainly never heard of, but that has probably been used in most of the phonetics research you've also never heard of.

One of Praat's biggest claims to fame is its pitch detection algorithm, which does a remarkably good job at estimating the fundamental frequency (or f₀) of speech sounds. This is essential for any kind of research on the intonation of spoken languages (called "prosody"), and it is difficult for primarily two reasons:

  1. Speech sounds are made of a combination of several harmonic frequencies, which makes the task not just about frequency detection, but about detecting the right one.

  2. Speech sounds change rapidly, so we have only a small amount of unstable data for any frequency at any point in time.

Praat's algorithm corrects for these by making a number of assumptions about the sounds it deals with, most of which are tied to the fact that speech sounds are generated by the human vocal tract. So, for example, while speech sounds change all the time, there is a limit to how quickly the vocal tract can make those changes, which means that on a small enough time scale, we should be able to treat speech sounds as if they were stable. Praat refers to these windows of analysis as "frames".

This article (which is based on a similar one I wrote in 2012 using R) will go over the core part of the algorithm as described in Boersma (1993), and since this is the PDL Advent Calendar, we'll be using PDL for illustrating each step and generating the figures. I'll be showing the relevant bits of code at each step, but you can also download a file with all of the code in context.

The plots in this article have also been plotted with PDL using PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot. In the interest of clarity, I won't show here the code used to generate them, but always remember that all of it is available in the file I just mentioned.

To represent our speech sound we'll use a complex sinewave with two frequency components: one at 140Hz to represent our fundamental frequency, and one to represent a loud harmonic an octave higher at 280Hz. In this case, our frame is long enough to hold three periods.

my $f0 = 140;
my $sampling_rate = 44100;
my $periods_per_frame = 3;

my $samples = ( 1 / $f0 ) * $sampling_rate * $periods_per_frame;
my $x = sequence $samples;

# A complex sine wave with a component at the desired target frequency
my $wave = 1 + 0.3 * sin( 2 * PI * $f0 * $x / $sampling_rate );

# with a loud component an octave higher
$wave *= sin( 2 * PI * ( 2 * $f0 ) * $x / $sampling_rate );

# normalised to a range of -1 .. 1
$wave /= max $wave;

The sound in the analysis window
Three cycles of a complex sine wave, with a peak amplitude of 1 and
  starting and ending at 0. The horizontal axis is 945 samples long

In this case the analysis window perfectly lines up with the zero-crossings of the wave, which means we don't have any intensity peaks at the edges. But this is not guaranteed to happen, so to avoid this the first thing we'll do is filter the window.

Different filters will have different effects on the analysis, and indeed Praat can be configured to use either a Hann or a Gaussian window. The one used by default is the Hann window (which is referred to as "Hanning" in the article and by Praat), so that's the one we'll use in this article.

So if we assume for example that we are only interested in frequencies above 120Hz, and we are going with at least three periods per frame, we'll need a window that is at least 3 * ( 1 / 120 ) or 0.025 seconds long.

To calculate the Hann window, we can use PDL::DSP::Windows:

my $filter = window $samples, 'hann';

The Hann filter function
A Hann filter, tracing a bell curve asymptotically approaching 0 on
  both ends

And we apply this filter to our sound wave by multiplying both curves:

my $filtered = $wave * $filter;

The filtered window
A Hann-filtered complex sine wave, with an amplitude close to 0 on
  each end and 1 in the middle

So far this has mostly been preparing our data, but now we come to the meat and potatoes of the process.

To detect a sound's pitch Praat uses autocorrelation, comparing each frame with itself. An autocorrelation plot shows the degree to which the compared curves are related on the Y-axis, and the time lag for each comparison on the X-axis. If the curve is periodic, then the autocorrelation curve should have a peak when the lag is equal to the original curve's period.

We can calculate the wave's autocorrelation with the acf method provided by importing PDL::Stats::TS. Since we are not providing any arguments, the number of lags will default to one less than the number of samples in the ndarray, which is exactly what we want:

my $filtered_acf = $filtered->acf;

Normalised autocorrelation of the filtered sound
An autocorrelation plot with the Y-axis ranging from 1 to -1, showing a
  series of peaks with decreasing intensities. The line starts at the top and
  falls back and up again with a first peak on sample 157, and a second
  smaller peak on sample 316

The autocorrelation is highest at a time lag of 0, when the curve is being compared with itself, so we need to look for peaks that are greater than 0 for significant periodicity. However, in this case, since we are working with a complex sound wave with a loud harmonic, the autocorrelation curve shows a "false" peak before the time lag that we know is the sound's actual fundamental frequency, which is aligned with a lower peak.

In order to correct for this, Boersma's algorithm divides the filtered signal by what it describes as the normalised autocorrelation curve of the window function, which is calculated as follows:

my $filter_acf
    = ( 1 - ( abs($x) / $samples ) )
    * ( 2 / 3 + 1 / 3 * cos( 2 * PI * $x / $samples ) )
    + ( 1 / ( 2 * PI ) )
    * sin( ( 2 * PI * abs($x) ) / $samples );

Normalised autocorrelation of the window function
Half of a bell curve, starting from 1 and curving downwards to the right,
  asymptotically approaching 0 in the end

The result of dividing the autocorrelation of the filtered sample and that of the filter is an estimate of the autocorrelation of the original signal, which Boersma claims to be both robust and better suited for the analysis of speech signals than previous methods used.

Note that this estimate gets increasingly unreliable after roughly half the length of the analysis window, so the algorithm discards any data in the second half (Boersma, 1993).

my $estimated_acf = $filtered_acf / $filter_acf;

# Discard second half
my $slice = int $samples / 2;
$estimated_acf->slice( "$slice:" ) .= nan;

# Normalise to -1 ... 1 range
$estimated_acf /= max $estimated_acf;

Estimated autocorrelation of the original signal
Three cycles of a sinusoid wave, half the length of the ones shown
  before, starting on a peak at a magnitude of 1. The second peak is slightly
  lower than the first. The third peak, which is slightly higher than the
  second, is marked with a blue line on sample 316

By finding the maximum at a time lag greater than zero in this curve, we can get an estimate of the pitch of the original signal converting from samples back to Hz:

my ($index) = @{ ( 20 + $estimated_acf->slice('21:')->maximum_ind )->unpdl };
my $foo = $index / $sampling_rate;
my $result = 1 / ( $index / $sampling_rate );
say "f0 = $result";
# OUTPUT: f0 = 140.445859872611

This covers equations 5 through 9 of those described in Boersma (1993), but it is far from the entire algorithm. This part is used to calculate pitch "candidates". We have not covered here some of the preprocessing done to the sound before separating it into individual frames, or the path finding that is later done on the pitch candidates to trace a final pitch curve, but this is probably a good place to stop for now.

  • Boersma, P. (1993) Accurate short-term analysis of the fundamental frequency and the harmonics-to-noise ratio of a sampled sound. IFA Proceedings 17: 97-110

Close-Up Photo of a Person's Ear Image Credit:, free to use

Tagged in : signal processing, phonetics, speech, sound

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José Joaquín Atria

José Joaquín had a previous life as a Speech Scientist before he decided to move full time towards software development. He has released a number of Perl and Raku distributions, and likes to give conference talks about them when he can.