Day 13: The Sound of Perl

If you can not sing nor play an instrument but want to make a contribution, let PDL help you out!
What is the sound of Perl? Is it not the sound of a wall that people have stopped banging their heads against? -- Larry Wall
Well, in this season many people have different sounds in their minds. So, let's see whether we can use Perl to create sound. Or, more precisely, we will create the data representing sound and write them to a file which can be used by the media player of your choice.
Getting Started
Sound is perceived as change of air pressure over time. For a musical note the change is periodic, so as a simple case we can use a sine function. We sample the sine function at regular intervals and store the result in a one-dimensional PDL ndarray. Like audio CDs, we use 44100 samples per second.
# Preamble
use 5.036;
use PDL;
use constant PI => atan2(0,-1);
use constant RATE => 44100;
# This subroutine is where the fun will happen.
# Return N_SAMPLES for a wave with FREQUENCY
sub samples ($n_samples, $frequency) {
my $phase = sequence($n_samples) * 2 * PI * $frequency / RATE;
my $samples = sin($phase);
return $samples;
The sequence
constructor of PDL builds regular intervals which we
adjust for the rate and the desired frequency. Also, PDL brings its
own sin
function which operates on ndarrays.
For output, we use the
file format which is a binary, uncompressed audio format. We prepare
our samples by converting them to 16bit integers using the short
constructor, and we make sure that they use the full value range for
"short" integers. The method get_dataref
returns a reference to a
Perl scalar which holds the binary array which we can directly print
to a WAV file:
sub prepare ($samples) {
my $amplitude = 2**15-1;
my $max = max(abs $samples);
my $sound16 = short($samples / $max * $amplitude);
return $sound16->get_dataref;
The actual WAV formatting needs some bookkeeping but isn't all that interesting:
sub write_wav ($data,$to) {
open (my $handle, '>', $to)
or die "Could not write to '$to': '$!'";
binmode $handle;
print $handle 'RIFF';
my $header = 'WAVE';
$header .= 'fmt ';
$header .= pack('l',16);
$header .= pack('ssllss', 1, 1, RATE, RATE * 2, 2, 16);
$header .= 'data';
print $handle pack('l',length($data) + length($header) + 4);
print $handle $header;
print $handle pack('l',length($data));
print $handle $data;
close $handle;
Now we can create our first WAV file:
my $samples = samples(44100,440);
my $path = 'pdlsound.wav';
my $dataref = prepare($samples);
We can now feed the file pdlsound.wav to a media player. Of course, that sounds ... pretty dull and boring.
A Short Digression
Before spicing it up, lets digress a bit and see what else we can do with our samples. This requires the CPAN distributions Prima and PDL::Graphics::Prima::Simple and its dependencies. To install Prima, we need to provide some developement libraries. The Prima maintainer Dmitri Karasik has compiled instructions for various platforms in the distribution's
With these modules installed, we add one line to the preamble, which now reads:
use 5.036;
use PDL;
use PDL::Graphics::Prima::Simple; # <--- added
use constant PI => atan2(0,-1);
use constant RATE => 44100;
Using that module is as simple as this: We plot two complete periods
of our sine wave by adding two lines at the end of our main program.
The slice
method allows to select parts of a ndarray.
my $samples_per_period = RATE/440;
An interesting visualization of sound is its power spectrum. We obtain it by using PDL::FFT which comes with PDL (with a minor change you could also use PDL::FFTW3) in a short subroutine:
sub spectrum ($samples) {
use PDL::FFT;
my $frequencies = float($samples);
my $n_samples = $samples->dim(0);
my $limit = 0.5 * $n_samples;
my $real = $frequencies->slice([0,$limit-1]);
my $imag = $frequencies->slice([$limit,$n_samples-1]);
return 2 * sqrt($real*$real + $imag*$imag) / $n_samples;
And, in our main program, we use it:
That plot is not very informative. But wait: These plots are interactive! Using the right mouse button we can mark a rectangle to zoom into the interesting region near the left edge of the plot. The plot can also be resized, and the right-mouse context menu allows to export the plot to an image file, which is how the images in this article were created.
So yeah, we get a sharp peak at 440Hz, which should come as no surprise because this is exactly the frequency we used.
Stepping Up
Playing With Waveforms
Now let's replace the sine function by a different code to create samples:
sub samples {
my ($n_samples,$frequency) = @_;
my $samples = sequence($n_samples) * $frequency / RATE;
$samples -= short $samples; # drop the integer part
$samples *= 2;
$samples -= 1;
return $samples;
This sounds a bit ... iffy. But why?
Let's use our visualization plots to examine the situation:
So this is a sawtooth wave, and the spectrum shows that this waveform brings a complete set of overtones. An infinite number of overtones. We should not need to care, human hearing stops at around 20000Hz. Or should we? Do we see some noise along the x axis? Let's zoom in:
Wow, what a mess! The overtones seem to be bouncing back and forth? That's exactly what happens, and it is a consequence of our digital sampling method. Remember: We are using 44100 samples per second. At a frequency of 22050Hz we are left with only two samples per period. Any higher frequency 22050+x gives the same sample values as 22050-x. So this is what where the audible noise comes from.
We could reduce the noise by increasing the sample rate, but we'll just refrain from using sawtooth waves instead, and build waves by adding sine functions. Here's something that sounds like a church organ. Code, audio sample, waveform and spectrum plot, as usual:
sub sine_wave ($n_samples, $frequency) {
my $phase = sequence($n_samples) * 2 * PI * $frequency / RATE;
my $samples = sin($phase);
return $samples;
sub harmonic ($n_samples,$base_frequency,$amplitudes) {
my $samples = zeroes($n_samples);
my $overtone = 1;
for my $amplitude (@$amplitudes) {
my $frequency = $base_frequency * $overtone++;
last if $frequency >= 22050;
$samples += $amplitude
* sine_wave($n_samples, $frequency);
return $samples;
my @organ = (1,1,0.2,0.8,0,0,0,0.6);
my $samples = harmonic(RATE,440,\@organ);
The set of overtones and their amplitudes is an important component of the timbre of a musical note.
Chords and Melodies
Creating a chord is a variation of the subroutine just shown. For a
chord, we don't need different amplitudes for the notes, but we allow
frequencies which are not an integral multiple of the base frequency.
Two notes sound "smooth" together if dividing their frequencies gives
a rational number with a small numerator and denumerator. Let's do
this on top of the harmonic
sub chord ($n_samples,$base_frequency,$harmonic,$factors) {
my $samples = zeroes($n_samples);
for my $factor (@$factors) {
my $frequency = $base_frequency * $factor;
next if $frequency >= 22050;
$samples += harmonic($n_samples,$frequency,$harmonic);
return $samples;
my $samples = chord(RATE,220,\@organ,[1,5/4,3/2,2]);
For a melody, we concatenate the samples for each note, using PDL's
method. We can do it on top of the chords subroutine:
my $samples = pdl([]);
my @chords = ([1,5/4,3/2],[1,4/3,5/3],[9/8,3/2,15/8],[1,3/2,5/4,2]);
for my $chord (@chords) {
$samples = $samples->append(chord(RATE,440,\@organ,$chord));
Effects: Volume Modulation
We can easily modulate the volume of our notes by multiplying them with an approporate ndarray of the same length. Here are two examples:
The amplitude of a plucked string of a guitar decreases over time.
my $samples = sine_wave(RATE,440) * (1+sin(20*sequence(RATE)/RATE))/2;
A slow, periodic change of the amplitude (tremolo) can be achieved in two different ways. First, let's apply a sine function to the amplitude of the samples. This method works for any batch of samples, there's no need to know its frequency nor any other property.
my $samples = sine_wave(RATE,440) * (1+sin(20*sequence(RATE)/RATE))/2;
The spectrum, zoomed around the frequency of this note, demonstrates the second method to get the same effect: Just add vibrations with frequencies close to each other!
Effects: Frequency Modulation
A periodic frequency modulation or vibrato is not as straightforward
as a volume modulation. Still, we can do it without knowing details
about the samples or changing the functions which create them: We warp
the time so that our samples are no longer associated with regular
time intervals. Then we use PDL's interpolate
function to adjust
the samples to the regular time intervals we need.
sub apply_vibrato ($samples,$frequency,$range) {
my $n_samples = $samples->dim(0);
my $timewarp = sequence($n_samples)
+ $range * sin(sequence($n_samples) * 2 * PI * $frequency / RATE);
my $norm = ($n_samples-1) / $timewarp->at(-1);
$timewarp *= $norm;
my ($warped,$err) = interpolate($timewarp,
warn "We have errors: ", $err->sum if $err->sum > 0;
return $warped;
my $samples = sine_wave(RATE,440);
my $vib_frequency = 5;
my $vib_range = 50;
$samples = apply_vibrato($samples,$vib_frequency,$vib_range);
I admit that I did not expect the spectrum to look like this:
Putting It All Together
We have only scratched a tiny portion of digital audio processing. I did not intend to build a digital audio workstation. But then, I had a lot of fun learning PDL by manipulating simple, one-dimensional arrays. So here's an application of the techniques described in this article to create 1701055 samples, or 38 seconds.
Banner image From ChoralWiki, available under the Choral Public Domain License. Copyright © 2016 by CPDL.
Harald Jörg
Harald Jörg never got paid to write Perl software. He wrote software in several programming languages, and occasionally he did get paid to solve problems quickly. Perl is his language of choice for these things.