Day 8: Simplex optimisation with Perl Data Language

If you want to solve nonlinear optimisation problems, you need PDL!
This article discusses PDL::Opt::Simplex, and uses PDL::Graphics::Simple to display output.
The simplex algorithm finds the optimum "point" (coordinates) in a space
you define, which can have any number (called n
here) of dimensions.
The algorithm takes either a fully-formed cloud of n+1 points, or a single starting point, in which case it constructs the cloud for you using the "initsize" parameter. It also takes a function that will take a series of points in your space, and returns the "value" at each of those points. From that, it works out which point of the simplex to move to be closer to the optimum point, which has the lowest value of your function.
It also takes other, less important parameters, which you'll see, including a "logging" function which you can use to report progress, or plot data.
Load the necessary modules, set up a plotting window:
use PDL::Graphics::Simple;
use PDL::Opt::Simplex;
$w = pgswin();
Try a simple ellipsoid; the multiplier makes the algorithm prioritise the first (X) dimension, as you'll see on the plot.
$w->plot(with=>'lines', [0], [1], {xrange=>[-15,5],yrange=>[-15,5]});
my $mult = pdl 4,1;
sub func { (($mult * $_[0]) ** 2)->sumover }
sub logs {
$w->oplot(with=>'lines', $_[0]->glue(1,$_[0]->slice(",0"))->using(0,1));
simplex(pdl(-10,-10), 0.5, 0.01, 30,
Now the first of two examples contributed by Alison Offer. These values are for both:
$minsize = 1.e-6; # convergence: if simplex points are this far apart, stop
$maxiter = 100; # max number of iterations: if done these many, stop
Now we minimise polynomial: (x-3)^2 + 2*(x-3)*(y-2.5) + 3*(y-2.5)^2
$w->plot(with=>'lines', [0], [1], {xrange=>[-1,5],yrange=>[-1,4]}); # reset
$init = pdl [ 0 , 1 ];
$initsize = 2;
($optimum,$ssize,$optval) = simplex($init,$initsize,$minsize,$maxiter,
sub {
my ($x, $y) = $_[0]->using(0,1);
($x-3)**2 + 2*($x-3)*($y-2.5) + 3*($y-2.5)**2;
Now to minimise least squares Gaussian fit to data + noise: 32 *exp (-((x-10)/6)^2) + noise
$factor = 3; # noise factor
data : gaussian + noise
$j = sequence(20); srandom(5);
$data = 32*exp(-(($j-10)/6)**2) + $factor * (random(20) - 0.5);
$init = pdl [ 33, 9, 12 ];
$initsize = 2;
The plotting will flatten, i.e. ignore, the third dimension in the vectors.
$w->plot(with=>'lines', [0], [1], {xrange=>[30,36],yrange=>[7,12]}); # reset
($optimum,$ssize,$optval) = simplex($init,$initsize,$minsize,$maxiter,
sub {
my ($x, $y, $z) = map $_[0]->slice($_), 0..2;
(($data - $x*exp(-(($j-$y)/$z)**2))**2)->sumover;
Further resources
There are other optimisation modules for PDL, including:
Take a look at the Wikipedia page for the simplex algorithm for more on the subject.
An iteration of the Nelder-Mead method over two-dimensional space

Ed J
Ed J (aka "mohawk" on IRC) has been using Perl for a long time. He ported the reference GraphQL implementation from the JavaScript version to Perl. He is currently release manager for PDL.